Braxton Jones

Software Developer

Hello, I'm Braxton Jones.

A versatile developer based in southern Maryland with a passion for creating engaging and entertaining user experiences. Currently, I'm focused on building applications that involve my love for music and technology.

Featured Project: Beatmap

Tech Stack Used:
Next.js, TypeScript, Genius API, Dagre, React Flow
View the project here ->

Beatmap visualizes the connections between songs, artists, producers, and writers, helping users explore the creative networks behind the music they love.

Building Beatmap enhanced my skills in graph visualization with React Flow and Dagre, and allowed me to integrate the Genius API to provide rich song metadata.

Beatmap celebrates the artistry and collaboration in music, making it easier for fans to discover the stories and people behind their favorite tracks.

My other works.

You're probably thinking....

This guy is pretty cool! I want his resume! 🥰 i'm already ahead of you 😎